LEGO is a great way to get kids involved in STEM and creative endeavors. During my work at an ONG specialized in teaching programming and robotics to children I had the opportunity to develop and administrate classes on these subjects. Here I want to share a class I developed using the WeDo 1.0 kit and Scratch 1.4. It is an introductory class to the kit and it expects the child to have previous experience with the scratch programming language.

By the end of the class, the child is supposed to have built a remote control cart and understand how it works and how to program it. The cart behavior is demonstrated in the video below.

Embedded in this post are the two documents I wrote to prepare the class, the rules for using the kit and a more detailed building instruction presentation generated in HTML by the LEGO Digital Designer.


The class rules should be remembered at the beginning of every class and every kid must have them in mind during the activity. They are as follows:

  1. Everyone is responsible for the kit and the parts that will be used in the assembly.
  2. After selecting the parts for the day, the kit should be closed and remain so until the moment of returning the parts.
  3. The exchange or loan of parts between kits is not allowed.
  4. Once assembled and programmed, the model that was built needs to be disassembled and returned to the box.
  5. You will be allowed to leave after disassembling and storing the material in its box.
  6. Lego pieces are small and delicate and require care. We are all responsible for them.
  7. Assemblies will occur individually or in pairs, according to the orientation of the monitors.

Class plan

The class plan should be read before the administration of the class by the teacher and all the monitors that are helping the kids.

Activity book

The activity book is supposed to be given to each child at the beginning of the class. They will explore it and make the activity in their own pace and, if necessary, with the help of a monitor.

HTML instructions

For help or insights about the class please feel free to comment in this post. I will answer as soon as I can